On the Masculine and Feminine

by Sophia Potter

Unfortunately, for men they are all a little soft in the head. It is very sad actually, but we will have to forgive them for it. Wise men are aware of this softness.

Take Socrates for example.

He knew he was mentally challenged and he never tired of telling people that--to the point that the Athenian council actually decided to murder him for it. And because he was so mentally challenged he decided that it would actually be really punk rock to die a martyr.

In a lot of ways, Jesus Christ really just copied everything Socrates did, but in a less fun way.

Socrates used his FEMININE power, BEINGNESS to express, MASCULINE power, DOINGNESS.

Socrates also had the dignity to not inspire people to start a religion in his name, which unfortunately for Jesus is not something he can claim to also have done. One of the least fun things you can do is get people to follow you.

Thus this made Socrates a Master. An ascended Master even. But you don't see Socrates in those gay (forgive me) ass little Ascended Master lists.

Why is that?

Because those lists are inherently racist towards fat ugly white guys and I think that is fucked up.

Additionally, there is a poignant lack of diversity in the Ascended Master line up. There are African ascended masters, such as the Egyptian ones e.g. Serapis Bey, but they are always depicted as light skinned. Where are the Ethiopian ascended masters? The Zulu ascended masters?

Why is there such thing as a Black Madonna?

Where are all the black ascended masters?

Why is it so common for clairvoyant people and UFO abductees to talk about seeing tall blonde white blue eyed beings?

Where are the short black skinned Aliens?

My conclusion is that Aliens are all inherently racist and should not be trusted. I believe extremely Xenophobic sanctions should be taken to classify and qualify extraterrestrials. Not all Aliens are created equally. Just as Men and Women are not created equally.


Take the Reptilian aliens many Experiencers have reported seeing. (I myself have an experience with one such being from when I was a child). These beings are so MASCULINE in their polarization that they completely lack the BEINGNESS of the FEMININE. They are completely absorbed in SELFISH service to the SELF instead of SELFLESS service to the OTHER.


On the other end of the spectrum you have the Lion headed beings or the Lyrans as they are commonly called. They are examples of beautifully balanced Alien life. They have their BEINGNESS in perfect synchronization with their DOINGNESS.

The Lyran energy is built around the principle of the SPIRIT and the element of FIRE. They are primarily connected to the SOLAR and HEART energies. While the Reptilians are connected to the LUNAR and. ROOT energies primarily.

TO be

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