Kitch Witchery: Hope and Perserverance Meal

by Sophia Potter

Hello made this meal to experiment with kitchen witchery and the magic of food. I really struggle with nurturing myself so cooking is my way of slowing down and taking care of myself.

This recipe is only meant to inspire you. I invite you to come up with your own recipe that serves this same purpose.

In my opinion cooking should be fun and spontaneous! But in order to have true spontaneity some rules are necessary in order to create a context for all the joy to comfortably flow. It is like the difference between filling a jug full of water vs. just exploding all that water everywhere like a geyser. While geyser's have their higher purpose, if we want to use the water we need to contain, put it inside a vessel for storage and portability.




Thus without further ado, here's the recipe:

  • 1 large organic grass fed steak
  • diced garlic (I used frozen because I am lazy)
  • red miso paste
  • lemon juice
  • cocktail onions (for the acidity)
  • pomegranate seeds
  • olive oil




I just threw them into a pan semi-gradually with the olive oil and just kind of let it do it's thing. The important thing I've learned about kitchen witchery is that the emotional you hold while cooking the food of maximal important for the spell work. All cooking is spell work. So while I was cooking this meal I got myself into a very meditative headspace and set my intention of "Hope and Perseverance".  The whole time I was cooking the meal, maybe like 45 minutes total, I was holding that energy in my heart center and feeling it deeply. I like to dance around while I cook so I listen to music as it can be very helpful in allowing us hold an emotional energy current.

For this particular spell I like to imagine that there is golden earth chi flowing up from the earth, through me and into my food. I like to hold my hands over my cooking and channel this chi into the food. Do whatever works for you for your or feels right.

Feel free to add or change any aspect of the meal as per your own dietary restrictions and choices!

I chose the foods very specifically and I will explain their significance:

Beef / Cow: I wanted to connected to a feeling of stability and solidity and specifically to the energy of Taurus which is very grounded and secure. I do eat meat on occasion when my body asks for it, but I always try to do it with the maximal reverence. I also choose meats that are ethically sourced and where the cows are happy and free--instead of caged and mistreated. The cow is also associated with the Mother Goddess so really good way to connect with her. Also the Egyptian Mother Goddess Hathor is depicted as a cow or with cow ears to symbolize her status as an Earth Mother.

Who is Hathor? Hathor the ancient Egyptian goddess Facts

Garlic / onions / lemon juice : for the flavor :) no real higher occult / magical purpose here!

Cow Symbolism & Meaning | Spirit, Totem & Power Animal 


Cocktail onions / pickled onions: I chose to include these for the acidity, but also because anything pickled I feel like symbolically represents preservation and thus perseverance.  


Pomegranate seeds: these beautiful red seeds are associated with the Springtime and the Queen of the Underworld herself, Persephone! Since ancient times they have been a symbol of beauty, fertility, and abundance!

Persephone and the pomegranate by MelanippeArt on DeviantArt

Hope you enjoyed feel free to leave any comments below if you are inspired to try this recipe out!!!

(art by MelanippeArt)


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