Being Just like Everyone Else

by Sophia Potter

My middle school English teacher told me

in our creative writing class

that my story


"OFF KILTER" and slightly "OFF PUTTING"

Well she wasn't wrong, but it was meant to be evocative--to get the people going.


It was a story set in WW2 Germany about two doppelganger vampires / twin sisters who lived in parallel realities where one of them had been born Jewish and got sent to a concentration camp where her whole family was murdered. Her twin from a parallel reality Saskia used a wormhole to travel through Space-Time and rescue her Jewish twin. It had a happy ending that involved a whole bunch of Nazi's getting erased from Time-Space reality.

I was 12 :)


I blame my father.

"Time is like a Loaf of Bread" he said



"How does that even make sense"

"Well, there was this guy named Albert Einstein who was born in Germany..."

So the story goes...


"Did you know if you go faster than the speed of light you could technically go backwards in time, but then you would become supermassively heavy and it wouldn't work"

"Did you know astronauts age more slowly in space because the faster you go the slower time goes by?"

"Did you know my dad has blue eyes, but I only have hazel brown eyes for some reason? Isn't that funny?"


I dreamt only of murdering Nazis and rescuing Jews.


Thank You, Michael for the flaming sword. I don't want it anymore.


They don't like me in Paris, but it's okay I don't like them either. Only the people from the Deserts and Jungles like me.



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