Evil is Inherently Sexy

by Sophia Potter

I am extremely sexually attracted to Barack Obama.

In 2008, despite my parents being avowed Republicans I wanted Obama to win really badly because I thought he looked low-key extremely evil. He looked like he would go to hell and back to become president. He was a man possessed. I liked that.

In my opinion, Obama only won the presidency because of how sexy he is. 2008's presidential race was a turning point in American History. The race was ultimately a show down between two of the sexiest candidates in American Presidential History, Willard Mitt Romney and Barrack Hussein Obama II.

1960's race between Richard Nixon and John F. Kennedy, would be the first time Sexual Appeal was used as a Political Weapon. JFK slayed Nixon in the polls because this was the first time presidential debates were televised and it turned out being hot is important to being perceived as Powerful and Capable. Epic!

Now as an adult woman I think Obama looks a lot like Gus Fring from hit TV show Breaking Bad, who I also found extremely sexy for some reason.

Barack lowkey gives off Gay Villain Energy (SOURCE)

I would argue that EVIL / GENIUS / POWER (Exhibit A)  are all inherently the same thing; in the same way that LOVE / LIGHT / BEAUTY (Exhibit B) are all inherently the same thing. Let's arbitrarily call Exhibit A, MASCULINE and Exhibit B, FEMININE. Just for kicks. Who cares. Same difference, right?


There is actually a tremendously vast difference between the MASCULINE and the FEMININE. But more on that in a l8r post, sk8r boi.

He is a Leo Sun, Gemini Moon with an Aquarius Rising.

He is 6′ 2″.

So that is all I will be saying one that.

Cheers, Happy Election Season!

Aside: Obama reminds me of an evil ex-boyfriend I had once actually. Won't name names, but you know who you are baby girl.


I want to thank, Michele Obama and my Father in Heaven, Jesus Christ. Amen.


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