
by Sophia Potter

Some times it's hard just to get out of bed in the morning. Sometimes it feels like being alive is like a big fat wet fart of a time (these are actual words I have spoken to my therapist). And you know what THAT is okay. It is okay to feel burdened by your life responsibilities. It's okay to feel like your family exhausts you. It's okay to feel insecure. It's okay to feel miserable. It's okay to feel jealous. It's okay to feel angry. Hell! It's even okay to feel murderous rage.

ALL of it is O.K.

Somedays will feel like a divine symphony--like the you can hear the music of the heavenly spheres vibrating in every part of your being! Like the whole of creation has cracked open to reveal to you her ineffable splendor. 

It can be hard to have days where the beauty of life is apparent and so vivid because there will inevitably be days of pain & confusion. So let me be clear--the pain & confusion do not make the beauty less so. The pain does not change or distort the splendor of life. The beauty is there-- always. Unchanging. Hidden in plain sight. Waiting to be remembered. The pain is like a the grain of sand that gets in our eye. Or the annoying fly whose buzzing distracts you temporarily from enjoying a beautiful sunset. It is temporary and ultimate just takes our attention away from the splendor that is the ultimate Truth. Additionally, the pain makes the splendor of life that much more splendid. It is the cold that allows us to experience the warmth! The darkness that allows us to experience the light!

The next time you find yourself in the trackless and fearful wilderness remember that it is but temporary! The temple of your heart lies just beyond that ridge. The pain will pass and peace shall returneth as it always does! Remember the Constant. Remember that all of creation flows back to its source.

Should I fear darkness
when that light is shining everywhere?

-Tao De Ching, verse 20

Embrace the duality to discover the Oneness of all creation. 

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